Attendance caveats

Attendance caveats

Student attendance rates are specified as a performance indicator within the National Education Agreement and as a key performance measure (KPM) in the Measurement Framework for Schooling in Australia. ACARA developed the National Standards for Student Attendance Data Reporting - Third Edition (PDF 375 kb) to establish a nationally consistent set of parameters for the collection and reporting of student attendance data. This will enable the consistent reporting by jurisdictions and sectors of the key performance measure. The national standards have been developed in collaboration with jurisdiction and sector representatives and endorsed by all states and territories.

The attendance caveats below are updated by each state and territory on an annual basis to provide additional information to the treatment of student attendance in that jurisdiction.

NSW government school attendance caveats (138 KB)

Vic government school attendance caveats (143 KB)

Qld government school attendance caveats (123 KB)

SA government school attendance caveats (130 KB)

WA government school attendance caveats (127 KB)

Tas government school attendance caveats (132 KB)

NT government school attendance caveats (131 KB)

ACT government school attendance caveats (129 KB)

Australia non-government school attendance caveats (135 KB)